Defaulting on student loans is a serious matter and should be addressed as soon as possible. DO NOT be afraid to contact your lender or collection company; they are there to assist you in finding the best way to pay off your student loan, regain your financial aid eligibility and straighten out your credit record. In order to regain eligibility for financial aid and get back on track with credit bureaus, some important options are available:
Important Note:
Federal Direct Loans (also called Direct Stafford Loans) are funds which must be repaid to the United States Department of Education. Unlike private loans, student loans cannot be forgiven and places the borrowers in debt until the balance of the loan is fully repaid. Columbia College highly recommends that students only request loans as a last resort, as defaulting on a student loan can lead to serious consequences for the borrower in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the Columbia College Financial Aid Department.
For more information on federal loans, please visit the Federal Student Aid website or the Student Loan web page.
A Loan Servicer is the company that is assigned to collect payments on a loan, respond to student questions and inquiries, and perform other administrative task needed to maintain loans.
Student Loan Servicers send out monthly billing statements. It is extremely important to be in contact with your Servicer/s.
If you are not sure who your Servicer is you can always get that information from Log in using your FSA ID and get the name and number of your Servicer.
List of servicer:
Servicer | Contact |
Cornerstone | 1-800-663-1662 |
ESA/ED Financial | 1-855-337-6884 |
FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) | 1-800-699-2908 |
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services | 1-800-236-4300 |
MOHELA | 1-888-866-4352 |
Nelnet | 1-888-486-4722 |
Navient (formally Sallie Mae) | 1-800-722-1300 |