1. Log into GetSAP with your single sign on. Watch the GetSAP Video Presentation
titled "Understanding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and the Financial Aid SAP Appeal
Process". This video and quiz takes approx 30-45 minutes. Please make sure you have enough
time to complete the videos and quiz. You can save your progress and come back later,
but that is not advised.
2. At the end of the presentation, you will have access to the Appeal form.
The Appeal Form is fillable so you do not have to print.
1. Complete all questions on the Appeal Form.
2. Save your completed Appeal as a PDF.
3. Gather your Educational Plan and any other documentation you want to submit with your appeal.
1. Submit your ALL Financial Aid Appeal documents before the semester deadline. (Deadline is TWO weeks before the end of the semester you are appealing for)
2. Make sure to attach your Educational Plan and any additional documents to your appeal submission.
1. We will send you an email when your completed appeal is received. Please allow up to five business days.
2. Check your student email for updates regarding your appeal timeline.
If you have questions regarding your need to appeal, please email the Student Financial Services Office at cc_finaid@yosemite.edu