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The Federal Pell Grant is designed to assist students with financial need to continue their education beyond high school and attempts to provide students with a foundation of financial assistance to help defray their educational costs. Award amounts are based on the number of units a student is enrolled in.- provided you are meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Beginning the 24-25 academic year, there are changes regarding the Pell Grant formula. The Pell Grant refund amount will be based on your Student Aid Index - SAI (previously known as the EFC) AND Enrollment Status. Use the is the table below to calculate how much Pell Grant funding you are eligible for based on your award and units. Remember, you will receive half of your entitlement at the beginning of the semester and the other half around the 60% mark. You can view specific disbursement date through our: Dates and Deadlines webpage.

Calculating Pell Grant

Number of units: Current Enrollment (formula to be used for 24-25)
Previous Enrollment Levels (no longer in use for 24-25)
12 (or more) 100% Full time (100%)
11.5 96% Three Quarter Time (75%)
11 92% Three Quarter Time (75%)
10.5 88% Three Quarter Time (75%)
10 83% Three Quarter Time (75%)
9.5 79% Three Quarter Time (75%)
9 75% Three Quarter Time (75%)
8.5 71% Half Time (50%)
8 67% Half Time (50%)
7.5 63% Half Time (50%)
7 58% Half Time (50%)
6.5 54% Half Time (50%)
6 50% Half Time (50%)
5.5 46% Less Than Half Time (25%)
5 42% Less Than Half Time (25%)
4.5 38% Less Than Half Time (25%)
4 33% Less Than Half Time (25%)
3.5 29% Less Than Half Time (25%)
3 25% Less Than Half Time (25%)
2.5 22% Less Than Half Time (25%)
2 17% Less Than Half Time (25%)
1.5 12% Less Than Half Time (25%)
1 8% Less Than Half Time (25%)


Example: your award for the Fall 2024 semester is $3,697.50 and you are enrolled in 7 units. 

1st: Divide 3,697.50 in half = 1,848.75

2nd: Determine the percentage based on your units. 7 units = 58%

3rd: Multiple the two amounts. 1,848.75 X 0.58 = 1,072.28

Your first disbursement would be $1,072.28


NOTE: Late Start Classes
Students will NOT receive funding for late start classes until the disbursement date AFTER they have begun.

NOTE: Retaking Coursework
A student may be paid one time for a previously passed course. For this purpose, passed means any grade higher than an "F." In other words, the student may be awarded Title IV aid for a second term only, regardless of the grade earned on the repeated course.