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about eOPS/CARE

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded program which offers educational support services and grants to students who have historically experienced economic, social, or language barriers and who are often within the first generation in their families to attend college. Students participating in EOPS will engage in a series of activities and services designed to strengthen skills necessary to achieve personal and academic success as they complete a certificate, degree or transfer program. 

The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program was established to help EOPS students who are single parents, receiving cash-aid from CalWORKs or Tribal TANF.

Additionally, any student served through NextUp Foster Youth Support Services is automatically a part of EOPS. EOPS/CARE also houses the Dream Resource Center (DRC) which provides support and guidance for students who identify as an undocument student, DACA, or Dream Act Recipient.

Apply to EOPS/CARE

To apply for EOPS/CARE, you must be a current Columbia College student. Once you submit your application, the EOPS team will review qualifications and notify you of your eligibility. Please allow time for processing. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to academic success!

Submit your application for Spring 2025! Spring applications will be processed through February 13, 2025.

Applications received after February 13, 2025 will be considered for Fall 2025 and processed in August 2025

If you are accepted into EOPS you will receive an email in your student email informing you of acceptance. Log in to the application using your student login and password (same as Canvas).

eOPS/CARE Eligibility

EOPS Eligibility

To apply to the EOPS program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a California resident, AB540 student or Dream Act student
  • Have completed less than 70 Associate level units.
  • Enrolled in 12 units during your first semester in EOPS. (On a very limited basis, students in unique situations are permitted to enter EOPS with 9 units. Additionally, exceptions are made for students enrolled in Disabled Students Programs and Services, DSPS.)
  • Qualify for a Board of Governors Grant (i.e., California College Promise Grant, also formerly known as BOG fee waiver) under Method A, B, C with $0 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or D “Homeless Youth”.
  • Have an Educational Disadvantage. You need only ONE of the below educational disadvantages:
    • First generation college student (neither of your parents received a Bachelor’s degree)
    • Belong to one of these populations: African American, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, LGBTQIA+
    • High school GPA was below 2.5 (high school transcripts must be on file)
    • Student was enrolled in remedial education in high school or college (transcript must be on file)
    • Student did not graduate from high school, nor received a GED
    • Current or former foster youth
    • Primary language spoken in the home is/was not English
    • Eligible for basic skills Math or English class. 
CARE Eligibility

To qualify for the CARE program at Columbia College, students must meet the following:

  • Current EOPS student who is 18 years of age or older
  • Enrolled in 12 units or more as a new CARE student (Exceptions may apply)
  • A single parent or head of household
  • A CalWORKs participant and/or receiving county cash aid (TANF) for self and/or children

EOPS/CARE Services

EOPS Services

Services of eligible students include the following: 

  • Book and required course material vouchers
  • School Supplies
  • Access to the EOPS Lending Library
  • Student Grants
  • Priority registration
  • Personalized Academic Counseling
  • University Transfer Assistance and Fee Waivers
CARE Services

EOPS students who are eligible for the CARE program have access to all EOPS services plus the following:

  • Child Care Financial Assistance
  • Additional Student Grants (based on available funds) 
  • CARE specific workshops and events