Campus and community resources to help students navigate finances and fund their college journey.
The Columbia College Financial Aid Office assists students with the FAFSA form and
in helping students access financial support services. Students with last names A-L
call Lydia Browning at (209) 588-5105
Students with last names M-Z call Christa Bartels at (209) 588-5272.
Learn more online.
The Columbia College Financial Aid Office has emergency grant funding available to
help stay students enrolled in classes. This grant is for students who have an unexpected
expense or major life event causing student to consider dropping classes.
To qualify for the grant, student must demonstrate exceptional need resulting from
a sudden and unexpected emergency. Student must have an active preference chosen through the BankMobile system. If possible, student must provide documentation of financial emergency (including
copy of overdue bill, medical bill, etc.), and must be actively enrolled in the current
college semester with classes ongoing. To apply, visit Columbia College Emergency Grant web page.
CALWORKs is a public assistance program that provides cash aid and other services to eligible families with children. This
public assistance has varying qualifications such as a person's citizenship status,
age, income, resources, assets, and other considerations.
Other services include housing, food, utilities, clothing, or medical care for families
that need short-term assistance.
To apply for benefits, Tuolumne County residents call the Tuolumne Social Services
at (209) 533-5711. Calaveras County residents call Calaveras County Works and Human
Services at (209) 754-6448. Amador County residents call (209) 223-6550.
For a complete list of how to apply, access the County Department of Services.
Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a program that provides assistance to Native American families with children in Tuolumne, Calaveras, and Stanislaus counties. Services include cash assistance, referrals for employment, education, training, child care, transportation, and more.
To qualify, participants must have income equal or less than 200% of federal poverty
level, resources must not exceed $2,000, and must be able to work and actively participate
in 24 hours of work activities per week.
Check out the TANF website here for more information.
The Social Security Administration administer cash benefits for individuals in certain situations. Benefits include survivors benefits for people who have a loved one pass away, disability benefits for disabled individuals, and retirement benefits for those who are aged 62 or older. For more information about these programs, learn more online.