Training Officer- Training 4427
There is a TCFD/CAL FIRE Captain assigned to the station. This position is in charge of the day to day operation of the TCFD Columbia College Fire Department. The duties include recruitment for the station, training, scheduling of shifts, mentorship, providing career advice, teaching the wildland portion (SFM Firefighter IC and Firefighter ID) of the Columbia College Fire Academy, as well as serving as the liaison between Columbia College and Tuolumne County Fire Department.
Student Firefighters-
If the station is fully staffed with Student Firefighters there are four on shift every day (two on Breathing Support 795 and two on Engine 796). The Student Firefighters work three days on and four days off. While they are on shift they live at the fire station. If they have classes while on shift arrangements are made so they can attend them.
TCFD/CAL FIRE Engine 791-
Starting in March of 2023, Tuolumne County Fire Department in cooperation with Columbia College, temporarily placed a Type 1 Engine (E-791) at TCFD Station 79. This engine is staffed with career TCFD/CAL FIRE firefighters. Staffing consists of two Fire Captains, three Fire Apparatus Engineers, and four Firefighter II’s. The engine is staffed with a minimum of two firefighters per day. Engine 791 serves the Columbia and surrounding area. Having this engine staffed here has enhanced the training, and mentorship of the Student Firefighters as assistance to the Columbia College Fire Academy.
Student Firefighter-
A person who is hired as a student firefighter will be assigned to a specific shift. This shift has the same crew working every week. They will work eat and sleep as a crew at the firehouse. Daily tasks of the job include cleaning apparatus, cleaning the fire house, minor construction, training, exercising, and other tasks in addition to running calls. On calls, the employee’s duties include but are not limited to assisting on medical aids, performing medical or extrication operations on vehicle accidents, and conducting fire suppression activities on fire.
Student Crew Lead Firefighter-
After a student firefighter has been at the station for a while and they have shown proficiency in their skills and knowledge in the position. They can be promoted to Crew Lead. In this position they will be in charge of their assigned shift and ensuring all the daily duties get completed, and working with the on-duty captain on training.
Tuolumne County Volunteer Firefighter-
Station 79 is also a Tuolumne County Volunteer Station. Anyone who would like to help out their community and become a Volunteer Firefighter can sign up. There are some requirements to be a Volunteer Firefighter for the County. Information about the program can be found at