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The name of this organization shall be the Columbia College Academic Senate. The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the best interest of higher education, as the representative of the faculty of Columbia College, in making recommendations to the College and District administration and the Board of Trustees with respect to academic and professional matters and sharing in the governance of Yosemite Community College District. In addition, the Senate represents the faculty in State-wide academic and professional matters.

For agendas and minutes visit BoardDocs

2024-25 Printable Schedule of Meetings

Academic Senate Executive Committee

Marcus Whisenant


Marcus Whisenant

Dr. Stephanie Beaver-Guzman
Curriculum Chair

Dr. Stephanie Beaver-Guzman

Erik Andal
President Elect/Vice President

Erik Andal

Dr. Joe Manlove

YFA Member-at-Large

Dr. Joe Manlove

Lahna VonEpps
Past President

Lahna VonEpps

Katryn Weston

College Council Representative-at-Large

Katryn Weston

Academic Senate Liaisons


Shannon Van Zant

Part-Time Faculty Representative Academic Senate Executive

Shannon Van Zant

Part-Time Faculty Representative Academic Senate 


Robert Bannsworth

Part-Time Faculty Representative Academic Senate 



Classified Representative

Torri Keever


Jeri Pourchot
administrative Assistant Office of Instruction

Jeri Pourchot

Allan McKissick
YFA CC/MJC Faculty Liaison

Allan McKissick

aS Newsletters and board of trustees president's Reports