Now, in addition to scheduled appointments, you can connect with our counselors by using our virtual kiosk in Starfish, calling in, or stopping by the counseling office to get on the drop-in waitlist for a same-day call back or walk-in*. Check out the chart below to see what will work best for you and the links to make it happen.
Drop-In: |
Scheduled Appointments:
Offered daily on a first-come, first-served basis, ideal for quick questions, such as:
Offered daily, 30-60 minutes appointments are ideal for:
Add yourself to the drop in list here for a call back: Starfish Academic Counseling Drop-Ins** | Find your counselor and schedule an appointment here: Counseling Staff & Appointment Info |
Bring a list of questions! Also bring any items you want to review such as transcripts from a previous college or admissions requirements from a school you are interested in transferring to. You can bring unofficial copies (meaning not in a sealed envelope) or if they were already submitted officially to Admissions and Records, we'll have them available. Check out our Educational Plan page for specific information you will need for those appointments.
Counselors are trained to assist you in a wide range of personal topics and conversations will remain confidential. They are also able to refer you to for additional support if needed, such as Crisis and Mental Health Counseling available to Columbia College students for free (located in the Health Services offices in Pinyon and by phone at 209-588-5204).