If you have low grades from your past that do not reflect the current student you are, you might qualify for Academic Renewal which would help those grades get removed from your grade point average (GPA) calculation. The grades will technically remain on your transcript, but your GPA won't be pulled down by them, which can help you receive Priority Registration, get off of probation or dismissal status, and show what kind of student you are today for graduation and transfer applications.
Subject to the following conditions, up to 24 semester or 36 quarter units of substandard grades (Ds and Fs), taken at any accredited college or university, may be alleviated from computation of the grade point average at Columbia College:
To submit an Academic Renewal Petition please visit the forms page found on the Admissions website in Online Student Forms page. If any of the earned units to be considered in the petition process are from another college, submit official transcripts from there as well. The Student Petitions Committee will review your request. For help, contact a counselor.
(Requirements copied from 2020-2021 Columbia College Catalog, page 44-45)