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Important Announcement

The Curriculum Committee, under the Academic Senate, will be using a Spring 2025 Curriculum Prioritization. Please take note of this prioritization when thinking about creating curriculum or using the 5-Year Course/Award Trackers to plan curriculum work for the coming year. 

  • The spring submission deadline for prioritized curriculum work for the 2026-27 catalog is March 3, 2025.
  • If there is capacity for curriculum in addition to that included in the Spring 2025 Curriculum Prioritization, the Curriculum Chair will reach out to faculty.
    NOTE: Faculty are encouraged to continue working on curriculum even if they cannot submit in spring (for example, reach out to the Articulation Officer, DE Coordinator, and SLO Coordinator for questions on these workflow steps that do not have to wait until work can be submitted).
  • The Fall submission deadline for the 2026-27 catalog will close in early October 2025. 

Things to know before Beginning Work in eLUMEN

eLUMEN is based on roles

Faculty using the eLumen Curriculum Module will use the Discipline Originator Role to submit  curriculum (new/modified/deactivated courses/awards) and the Faculty Role to review curriculum (new/modified/deactivated courses/awards) submitted by other faculty in the same discipline(s).

Auto-Generated eLUMEN Emails

eLumen sends emails alerting faculty that curriculum is ready for review as it moves through the review process. When reviewing these emails, faculty should take note which role is receiving the notification: Discipline Originator or Faculty role. Discipline Originators are not expected to use the Faculty role to review their own submissions. Likewise, faculty who have not submitted a workflow should not use the Discipline Originator role for that workflow.

eLumen is based on roles: Faculty using the eLumen Curriculum Module will use the Discipline Originator Role to submit curriculum (new/modified/deactivated courses/awards) and the Faculty Role to review curriculum (new/modified/deactivated courses/awards) submitted by other faculty in the same discipline(s).

Auto-generated eLumen Emails:  eLumen sends emails alerting faculty that curriculum is ready for review as it moves through the review process. When reviewing these emails, faculty should take note which role is receiving the notification: Discipline Originator or Faculty role. Discipline Originators are not expected to use the Faculty role to review their own submissions. Likewise, faculty who have not submitted a workflow should not use the Discipline Originator role for that workflow.

General Training Videos

Please watch the eLumen General Training Videos before watching role-specific videos in eLumen:

Discipline Originator Role Videos

Watch these videos to learn about each step of a workflow using the Discipline Originator role.
NOTE: See important note at top of page about FA25 Curriculum Prioritization and timelines.

Five-Year Review: Discipline Originators submitting a course/award for Five-Year Review must review/update all steps of course/award workflows. Watch the training videos below to get started. Course and Award Five-Year Review trackers are linked in the "Curriculum Resources" sidebar on the Curriculum Committee homepage. For a list of all Course Steps/Parts and their definitions/directions, check out the Columbia eLumen Course Workflow Guide.

Faculty Role Videos

Watch these videos to learn how to review each step of a workflow using the Faculty Role.

Curriculum Committee Training

Committee members can watch Faculty role videos to learn how to review workflows. Additional resources: