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2024-2025 Columbia College/Modesto Junior College
Intradistrict Equivalent Courses

The Yosemite Community College District is home to two community colleges, Columbia College (CC) and Modesto Junior College (MJC). That means that some of Columbia’s courses are considered “comparable" to courses offered at Modesto Junior College. Students who have taken courses at either school and wish to take courses at the other, should see the course crosswalk below. This list is subject to change. See the Articulation Officer in the Counseling Office for questions about course equivalencies between the two colleges. Please note: although this list indicates comparable content in courses at both colleges, it does not guarantee that courses will fulfill the same transfer requirements. Please verify by seeing a counselor and using ASSIST, the official transfer and articulation system for California’s public colleges and universities.

ANTHR1 Biological Anthropology ANTHR101 Biological Anthropology
ANTHR1L Biological Anthropology Laboratory ANTHR105 Biological Anthropology Laboratory
ANTHR2 Cultural Anthropology ANTHR102 Cultural Anthropology
ANTHR10 Archaeology ANTHR130 Archaeology & Cultural Prehistory
ART2 Basic Color and Design ART124 Color and 2-D Foundation Design
ART3 3-D Design: Mixed Media ART125 Color and 3-D Foundation Design
ART9A Figure Drawing: Beginning ART123 Figure Drawing
ART11 History of Art: Ancient and Medieval ART164 History of Art 1: Prehistoric to Gothic
ART12 History of Art: Renaissance, Baroque and Modern ART165 History of Art 2: Renaissance to Contemporary
ART13 Art of Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas ART169 Survey of Asian Art
ART14 Art Appreciation ART160 Appreciation of Art
ART21A Painting: Beginning ART147 OR ART148 Painting 1 (in Acrylic) OR Painting 1 (in Oil)
ART21B Painting: Intermediate ART149 Painting 2
ART31 Ceramics: Introductory ART108 Ceramics 1
ASTRO40 Descriptive Anatomy ASTRO160  Introduction to Modern Astronomy
BIOL2 Cell and Molecular Biology BIO101 (4 or 5 units) Biological Principles
BIOL4 Principles of Evolution and Zoology ZOOL101 General Zoology
BIOL6 Plant Biology and Ecology BOT101 General Botany

Cell and Molecular Biology +
Principles of Evolution and Zoology +
Plant Biology and Ecology
BIO101 +
BOT101 +
Biological Principles +
General Botany +
General Zoology

BIOL10 Human Anatomy ANAT125 Human Anatomy
BIOL10 +
Human Anatomy +
Human Physiology
ANAT125 +
Human Anatomy +
Introduction to Human Physiology
BIOL17 Fundamentals of Biology BIO111 General Biology
BIOL50 Nutrition FDNTR219 Introduction to Nutrition Science
BIOL60 Human Physiology PHYSO101 Introduction to Human Physiology
BIOL65 Microbiology MICRO101 Microbiology
BIOL150 Elementary Anatomy and Physiology AP50 Elementary Human Anatomy-Physiology
BUSAD2A Financial Accounting BUSAD201 Financial Accounting
BUSAD2B Managerial Accounting BUSAD202 Managerial Accounting
BUSAD18 Business Law BUSAD218 Business Law
BUSAD20 Principles of Business BUSAD248 Introduction to Business
BUSAD30 Principles of Marketing BUSAD245 Principles of Marketing
BUSAD40 Principles of Management Leadership BUSAD240 Principles of Management
General Chemistry I +
General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM101 General Chemistry 1
General Chemistry I +
General Chemistry I Lab + 
General Chemistry II + General Chemistry II Laboratory
General Chemistry 1 +
General Chemistry 2
General Chemistry II +
General Chemistry II Laboratory
CHEM102 General Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry I +
Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
Organic Chemistry 1 OR
Structure and Reactivity: Organic Chemistry 1
Organic Chemistry I +
Organic Chemistry I Lab + 
Organic Chemistry II +
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Organic Chemistry 1 +
Organic Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry I +
Organic Chemistry I Lab + 

Organic Chemistry II +
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

Structure and Reactivity: Organic Chemistry 1 +
Structure and Reactivity: Organic Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry II +
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Organic Chemistry 2 OR
Structure and Reactivity: Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM14 +

Fundamental Chemistry for Allied Health + 
Fundamental Chemistry for Allied Health Laboratory
CHEM143 (4 or 5 units) Introductory College Chemistry
CHILD1 Child Growth and Development CLDDV103 Child Growth and Development
CHILD3 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children CLDDV101 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children 
CHILD4 Observation and Assessment CLDDV167 Observation and Assessment
CHILD16 Practicum-Field Experience CLDDV128 Preschool Practicum
CHILD17 Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education CLDDV154 Adult Relationships & Mentoring in School
CHILD19 Introduction to Children with Special Needs CLDDV160  Introduction to Children with Special Needs
CHILD23 Guiding Children's Social and Emotional Development CLDDV121 Guidance of Young Children
CHILD26 Health, Safety, and Nutrition CLDDV111 Health, Safety, and Nutrition
CHILD30 Administration I: Programs in Early Childhood Education CLDDV150 Administration in Children's Programs
CHILD31 Admin II: Personnel & Leadership in Early Childhood Education CLDDV151 Supervision in Children's Programs
CHILD35 Introduction to Curriculum CLDDV107 Introduction to Curriculum
CHILD36 Teaching in a Diverse Society CLDDV262 Diversity in Educational Settings
CHILD42 Infant/Toddler Development CLDDV125 Infant and Toddler Development and Care
CHILD43 Infant/Toddler Care and Education CLDDV122 Programs and Environments for Infants and Toddlers
CHILD44 Infant/Toddler Practicum-Field Experience CLDDV127 Infant/Toddler Practicum
COMM1 Introduction to Public Speaking COMM100 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM2 Argumentation and Debate COMM104  Argumentation
COMM4 Introduction to Human Communication COMM102 Introduction to Human Communication
COMM5 Intercultural Communication COMM130 Intercultural Communication
COMM7 Forensics Workshop COMM105  Intercollegiate Speech and Debate
COMP1  Computer Concepts and Information Systems CSCI220 Computer Information Systems 
COMP5  Comprehensive Spreadsheets CSCI223  Spreadsheet Software
DRAMA10 Introduction to Theatre THETR100 Introduction to Theatre Arts
DRAMA20 Oral Expression and Interpretation COMM120 Oral Interpretation
DRAMA42  Acting Fundamentals THETR160 Fundamentals of Acting
ECON10 Principles of Economics-Macro ECON101 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON11 Principles of Economics-Micro ECON102 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC11 Introduction to Elementary Classroom Teaching SOCSC110 Introduction to Elementary Education
EMS157 Emergency Medical Responder and CPR EMS350 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)/Healthcare Provider CPR
ENGL1A Reading and Composition: Beginning ENGL101 Composition and Reading
ENGL1C Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking ENGL103 Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
ENGL17 American Literature: Colonial Period - Late 19th Century ENGL135 Survey of American Literature to 1850
ENGL18 American Literature: Late 19th Century - Modern Day ENGL136 Survey of American Literature: 1850 to the Present
ENGL46 Survey of British Literature: Anglo-Saxon Period - 18th Century ENGL137 Survey of English Literature to the late 18th Century
ENGL47 Survey of British Literature: 19th and 20th Centuries and Beyond ENGL138 Survey of English Literature: Late Eighteenth Century to Present
ESC5 Physical Geology GEOL161 Physical Geology
ESC23 Historical Geology GEOL166 Historical Geology
ESC33 Introduction to the Earth EASCI161 Introduction to Earth Science
GEOGR12 Cultural Geography GEOG102 Cultural Geography
GEOGR15 Physical Geography GEOG101 Physical Geography
GEOGR20 World Regional Geography GEOG110 World Regional Geography
GUIDE1 Career/Life Planning MJC Guidance req. satisfied  
GUIDE8 Introduction to College GUIDE110 Introduction to College
GUIDE11 Career Exploration GUIDE111 Career Exploration
GUIDE18 Life Skills for Higher Education MJC Guidance req. satisfied  
GUIDE25 Job Search and Interviewing Strategies GUIDE112 Job Preparation Skills
GUIDE50 Guidance for Nursing Majors MJC Guidance req. satisfied  
HHP3 Introduction to Kinesiology KIN100 Introduction to Kinesiology
HHP60 Health and Fitness Education HE110 Healthful Living
HHP62 Safety and First Aid Education HE101 Emergency Medical Response; CPR PRO/Healthcare Provider
HIST11 History of California HIST129 History of California
HUMAN1 Old World Culture HUMAN105 Early Humanistic Traditions
HUMAN2 Modern Culture HUMAN106 Humanities in the Modern World
HUMAN3 World Culture HUMAN110 East Meets West
HUMAN4 World Religions and Spirituality PHILO115 Religion: Philosophical and Comparative Inquiry
MATH2 Statistics MATH134 Elementary Statistics
MATH4 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers MATH105 Structure of Mathematics 1
MATH6 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students MATH101 Structure of Mathematics 2
MATH8 Trigonometry MATH161 Trigonometry
MATH12 Finite Mathematics MATH130 Finite Mathematics
MATH18A Calculus I MATH171 Calculus: First Course
MATH18B Calculus II MATH172 Calculus: Second Course
MATH18C Calculus III MATH173 Calculus: Third Course
Calculus I +
Calculus II
MATH 171 +
Calculus: First Course + 
Calculus: Second Course
MUSIC2 Introduction to Music MUSG101 Music Appreciation
MUSIC4A Elementary Musicianship MUST131 Aural Skills 1
MUSIC4B Elementary Musicianship MUST132 Aural Skills 2
MUSIC5A Intermediate Musicianship MUST133 Aural Skills 3
MUSIC5B Intermediate Musicianship MUST134 Aural Skills 4
MUSIC31A Elementary Piano I MUSA121 Elementary Piano
MUSIC36 Elementary Voice MUSA151 Elementary Voice 1
MUSIC37  Advanced Elementary Voice MUSA152 Elementary Voice 2
MUSIC39 Advanced Intermediate Voice MUSA153 Applied Vocal Repertoire 1
Intermediate Piano I +
Intermediate Piano II
MUSA123 Intermediate Piano
MUSIC49 Beginning Guitar MUSA141 Beginning Guitar
MUSIC50 Private Lessons-Guitar MUSA145 Applied Classical Guitar
MUSIC51 Private Lessons-Keyboard MUSA124 Applied Piano
MUSIC52 Private Lessons-Woodwinds MUSA183 Applied Woodwinds
MUSIC53 Private Lessons-Brass MUSA173 Applied Brass and Percussion
MUSIC54 Private Lessons-Strings MUSA163 Applied Music (Violin and Viola)
MUSIC56 Private Lessons-Voice MUSA154 Applied Vocal Repertoire 2
MUSIC60 College Choir MUSE155 Vocal Master Class
MUSIC72 Jazz Ensemble MUSE181 Jazz Band
MUSIC76 Community Orchestra MUSE161 Community Orchestra
PHILO1 Introduction to Philosophy PHILO101 Philosophy
PHILO25 Twentieth Century Philosophy PHILO123 Twentieth Century Philosophy
PHILO35 Environmental Ethics PHILO135 Environmental Ethics
PHSCI30 Survey of Chemistry and Physics PHSCI180 Conceptual Physical Science: A Hands-On Approach
PHYCS1 Conceptual Physics PHYS160 Descriptive Introduction to Physics
PHYCS4A Introductory Physics I: Trigonometry Level PHYS142 (4 or 5 units) Mechanics, Heat, & Waves
PHYCS4B Introductory Physics II: Trigonometry Level PHYS143 (4 or 5 units) Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Atomic and Nuclear Structure
PHYCS5A Physics I: Calculus Level PHYS101 (4 or 5 units) General Physics: Mechanics
PHYCS5B Physics II: Calculus Level PHYS103 (4 or 5 units) General Physics: Electricity, Magnetism, & Modern Physics
Physics I: Calculus Level +
Physics II: Calculus Level
PHYS142 +
PHYS143 (4 or 5 units)
Mechanics, Heat, & Waves +
Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Atomic and Nuclear Structure
Physics I: Calculus Level + 
Physics II: Calculus Level +
Physics III: Calculus Level
PHYS101 +
PHYS102 +

General Physics: Mechanics +
General Physics: Waves, Thermodynamics, & Optics +
General Physics: Electricity, Magnetism, & Modern Physics
POLSC10 Constitutional Government POLSC101 American Politics 
POLSC14 International Relations POLSC110 International Relations
POLSC16 Comparative Government and Politics POLSC140 Comparative Politics
PSYCH1 General Psychology PSYCH101 General Psychology
PSYCH 5 Human Sexual Behavior PSYCH110 Human Sexualities
PSYCH10 Lifespan Human Development PSYCH141 Human Development Lifespan
PSYCH24 Abnormal Psychology PSYCH105 Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH30 Psychology of Adjustment PSYCH130 Personal Adjustment
SOCIO1 Introduction to Sociology SOCIO101 Introduction to Sociology
SOCIO2 American Society: Social Problems and Deviance SOCIO102 Social Problems in the United States
SOCIO12 Sociology of the Family SOCIO125 Sociology of the Family
SPAN1 Spanish: Beginning I SPAN101 Spanish 1
SPAN2 Spanish: Beginning II SPAN102 Spanish 2
SPAN3 Spanish: Intermediate I SPAN103 Spanish 3
WT124 Welding Design and Fabrication WELD325 Design and Fabrication Processes