Take control of your finances and learn to manage your money with Cash Course. Cash course is a free website designed specifically for college students to learn how to gain an upper hand in their finances. With a user friendly platform Cash Course does a good job of training and equipping and preparing students for their financial future. To start Click here
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's
central database for student aid. NSLDS provides one central location for Student
Access view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access
and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data. Using your FSA ID you can access your entire federal loan history including balances,
interest rates, and lender contact information. Click here
Using your FSA ID you can access general loan information as well as copies of your Master Promissory
Note (MPN) and loan entrance counseling. Repayment information and information on consolidation.
Click here
A Loan Servicer is the company that is assigned to collect payments on a loan, respond to student questions and inquiries, and perform other administrative task needed to maintain loans.
Student Loan Servicers send out monthly billing statements. It is extremely important to be in contact with your Servicer/s.
If you are not sure who your Servicer is you can always get that information from www.nslds.ed.gov. Log in using your FSA ID and get the name, address, and number of your Servicer.
The list below is of the most common Servicers:
Servicer | Contact |
Cornerstone | 1-800-663-1662 |
ESA/ED Financial | 1-855-337-6884 |
FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) | 1-800-699-2908 |
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services | 1-800-236-4300 |
MOHELA | 1-888-866-4352 |
Nelnet | 1-888-486-4722 |
Navient (formally Sallie Mae) | 1-800-722-1300 |