CCAT (Columbia College Alert Team) CCAT (Columbia College Alert Team)

CCAT Reporting Form

     The Columbia College Alert Team is a campus team that meets regularly to monitor, assess, evaluate and intervene on campus issues that involve at-risk students . If you are concerned about a student or have been involved in or witnessed a situation that is distressing, disruptive or dangerous anywhere on campus please let a member of the team know.  You can contact CCAT by using the CCAT Reporting Form link above or by contacting any member of the team in person, by phone or email.  If there is an immediate campus crisis, emergency or dangerous situation contact Campus Security at 209-566-5476.  If there is a life threatening situation or imminent danger Call 911.  Any member of the team will communicate with others as needed.  Common Questions Answered click here.

CCAT Members:

Warning Signs:
DISTRESSED Student (Emotional) --upset, distracted, noticeable anxiety, tearful, panicky, shaky)

     --Action to take :  Talk privately with the student; refer to or consult with Student Health and Wellness Coordinators. 
Optional--file a CCAT Reporting form. If student mentions suicidal thoughts and feelings or issues pertaining to Title IX alert CCAT/file CCAT Reporting Form.
DISRUPTIVE  Student (Behavioral) --under the influence of drugs or alcohol; acting out and interfering in class or campus activities; creating disturbing writings, drawings or social media; low-level threatening; or emotionally escalated.
     --Action to take :  Set clear, firm limits and boundaries about acceptable behavior;  contact campus Security if under the influence or unable to respond to limits and directives.
File a CCAT Reporting Form/Alert the Team.
DANGEROUS  Student (Threat to safety of self or others or campus; imminent danger)
Verbal or physical threats, altercations, or out-of-control behavior. Dangerously under the influence, non-responsive, or out of touch with reality. Increasingly escalating in mood or behavior and unresponsive to directives or limits.
     --Action to take:  Contact Campus Security at 566-5467 and/or call 911
File a CCAT Reporting Form/alert the Team
CCAT Questions Answered  
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