Click here to digitally fill out, sign and return our Transfer Services/TRiO SSS application!
When you start the application process, you will be asked to self-enroll in a Canvas course shell (no units or credit) that houses our Application, informational orientation video, Student Needs Assessment form, and a direct link to schedule your first appointment- called an Enrollment (Intake) appointment with our program Director- in Starfish.
All services are designed to propel students forward in their academic goals of graduation and transfer. The ultimate goal is self-sufficiency within the higher education world- students should be able to navigate resource building, critical thinking, money management, and academic continuation at the completion of the Transfer Services/SSS program at Columbia College.
We want you to visualize weaving Transfer Services into your daily college life. In the picture below, notice how the gears work WITH each other, play off one another to generate power, pushing each other forward. This is how we encourage you to use Transfer Services; it can empower you in your academic career on a daily basis. With TRiO, the central "gear" to success is the Group Peer Mentor Program. Notice how all the gears relate to the others, and how each is pushed/helped by the other.
Finally, think of Transfer Services/TRiO SSS as a way to help you stay on-track and connected to all the things Columbia College has to offer. Ultimately you will be successful by obtainingyour Associates degree AND transferring on to the university to complete a of your choice with the highest GPA possible, while maximizing your financial aid and scholarship options.