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E-Advising (email counseling) is available to all Columbia College and prospective students. Please take a moment to review our Frequently Asked Questions. If you cannot find your answer there, please complete the E-Advising Intake Form. If your question is complex, you may be asked to schedule an individual counseling appointment.

* Please note that educational plans and probation/dismissal contracts will not be available through e-advising services.

CAUTION: Any information you submit is insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you are considering submitting confidential information that you would like to keep private, it would safer for you to schedule an in-person individual appointment.

I accept. Take me to the e-advising button Counseling Intake Form.

If you do not receive a reply to this e-advising form within 1 week (with consideration given for our normal office hours), please call (209) 588-5109.