Student Clubs & Organizations Student Clubs & Organizations

Student Clubs & Organizations

Students are encouraged to stop by the Student Center for information on existing student clubs and organizations or for support on forming a new one.

Start Your Own Club 

To start your own student club or organization, all you need is an advisor, a group of students interested in the same activity, and completion of a few simple forms (which any of your senators would be happy to assist with) to get your club up and running.

The following requirements apply to all student organizations at Columbia College:

  • Only currently enrolled Columbia College students may participate as members of an officially recognized student organization.
  • An advisor must be present at all meetings and activities.
  • Each semester, organizations must request renewal of their official recognition status.

Questions? Contact Courtney Sutton, ASCC Advisor,, 209.588.5236

Current Clubs & Organizations

Chess Club

To encourage and develop logical and critical thinking skills, and to promote similar thinking in everyday life. Our goal is to have fun doing so. 

Advisor: Tiffeny Flies 

President: Brian Yu

Child Development Future Educators Club

The Columbia College Child Development Club strives to generate more opportunities for fellow Child Development students and families throughout our community while contributing to the education, individuality and well-being of children.

Advisor: Selina Flores

President: Maria Garcia

Dungeons and Dragons Guild

The Dungeons and Dragons Guild helps students to explore aspects of psychology, sociology, and interpersonal dynamics through a fun and interactive role-playing game. The DDG builds teamwork skills while encouraging communication and cooperation. All students are invited to come join the adventure!

Advisor: Joe Manlove

President: Logan Powser 

Gender & Sexuality Alliance

GSA strives to create a safe environment in schools for students to support each other and learn about homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of oppression. With a strong policy for acceptance, GSA is open to anyone who keeps a supportive attitude towards their peers.

Advisor: Anneka Rogers Whitmer

President: Tobias Lovell


The Happy Asian American Pacific Islander club's mission is to bring together students to celebrate Asian cultures and share personal experiences to build community. 

Advisor: Nikki Coleman 

President: Gabriel Broyer 

International Folkloric Dance Club 

Appreciation of cultural diversity and multi-social companionship. Through the coexistence and exchange of cultural knowledge. 

Advisor: Pam Schmidt 

President: Paula Guerrero 

Outdoor Adventure Club

The Outdoor Adventure Club is a group of like-minded people who simply want to explore and enjoy nature through hiking, camping, relaxing in hammocks, and anything to get out there and discover the lush beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains by which we are surrounded.

Advisor: Joe Manlove

President: Dustin Rosenberg & Katie Wydick 

The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club strives to offer a fun safe space where all students can gather, make valuable social connections, and build a sense of camaraderie through mutual recreation and leisure.

Advisor: Jessica Berry

President: Alexander Jukes 

Too Cold Media Club 

Too Cold Media Club will strive to provide students and community members access to a professional, student lead, recording studio, and will host seminars to teach interested participants about studio access, equipment and software use, music production, music marketing, etc. 

Advisor: Daniel Godsil 

President: Malachi Schneider 

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