Are you having trouble finding the courses you need when you need them?
Are you having trouble enrolling in that one necessary prerequisite class semester
after semester?
Would completing that one required class help you to speed up your ability to graduate
or transfer?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you might want to check out
opportunities to enroll in online courses across the California Community College
system via the CCC Course Exchange.
Here’s how!
Check the list of online courses that may be available to you when you have exhausted
the available courses at your college: Courses Eligible for the Course Exchange
Register for as many of the courses you need at your home college first.
Look for the Course Exchange Link on the screen when you receive confirmation that
you have successfully registered at your home college
You will not have access to the link until you complete your home registration process.
Are you qualified to register in the Exchange?
You must have completed your college assessment tests and have an electronic education
plan on file with your counselor.
You must be enrolled in at least one course at your home college in order to enroll
in the Exchange courses.
You may only enroll in 2 Exchange courses per semester.
All Exchange courses are fully online. If you are not sure that you would be a successful
online learner, you can check out some information that is designed to help you determine
if you are ready: Quest Online Readiness Tutorials.
For More Information check out the CCC Online Course Exchange FAQs