Title III Objective #5
Equip 25 additional classrooms with appropriate technology to allow faculty to pilot
instructional innovations.
Columbia College needs to continue to upgrade its classrooms, to keep pace with faculty pedagogical interests and student expectations as the tools available to instructors become more advanced. Working together the Distance education Committee, DE Coordinator, Faculty, Deans and IT at Columbia College continue to identify classrooms for technology upgrades. The focus up to now has been to create “Smart” classrooms that include either a Smart board or interactive projector, Sound system and a digital presenter such as an Elmo, a desktop or laptop computer.
Looking at the classrooms on campus that have been upgraded with the exception of a couple of rooms there is little utilization of the audio systems, digital presenters and in some cases the smart board technologies. These technologies add a substantial cost to the upgrade of the room; this has caused a reevaluation the goal of objective 5, “Upgrade classrooms with appropriate technology to allow faculty to pilot instructional innovations”. With greater numbers of faculty utilizing blackboard for not only fully online courses but hybrid classes, there is a greater need for technology in classrooms to help with lecture capture of both audio and video, tools for hosting videos and multimedia content for embedding within Blackboard shells.
Many of the classrooms at Columbia College are built in such a way that they will not accommodate a smart board either because there is no wall space for mounting the board or the overhead projector. These rooms however would be capable of utilizing technology for lecture capture.
Upgraded Classrooms:
Fir 2
Fir 3
Juniper 4
Madrone 2
Maple 102
Maple 103
Oak 9
Redbud 3
Redbud 8
Instructional Training center (ITC)
Columbia College Technology and Media services maintain a database of the Title III purchased equipment that has been installed in each of the classrooms listed above. Below is a list of the classroom setups and the type of technology included. Not all of the equipment is upgraded in every room, In some cases rooms only require partial replacement of equipment within the room setup.
Basic classroom setups:
Media Cart:
The basic rooms may also include or request the following equipment:
Advanced classroom setups:
Built-in only:
Additional Technology: