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Library of Congress Classification & Call Numbers
Library of Congress Classification Outline                             

Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly Periodicals 

Selecting Sources This video from the University of Texas, Arlington Libraries teaches you how to select the right sources for your assignment.              

Internet Use and Evaluation
Evaluate Your Sources - MJC Research Guides
Finding Information on the Internet:  A Tutorial - UC Berkeley
Web Page Evaluation Checklist - UC Berkeley 
Credible Sources Count A video clip from Vaughan Memorial Library at Acadia University shows why.
Why Can't I Just Google? a video clip explaining the differences between internet and databases searching.

How to Research:
How to Research. Modesto Junior College
Purdue University's OWLGuide to Research
Topics and Pathfinders for Researching
MJC College Research Tips 

Primary and Secondary Sources
Primary vs. Secondary Sources
What is a Primary Source you might need to use a combination of primary and secondary information.  What's the difference?  How can you tell the two apart?  How would you know when to use one rather than the other?  This video from the UCSD Social Sciences & Humanities Library will help you understand the two.

Library Links- Writing a Paper
Annotated Bibliographies
Sample Undergraduate Paper (MLA)
MLA Formatting and Style Guide 
APA Style Guide 

Plagiarism- Citation Games

Plagiarism Tutorial from Z.Smith Reynolds Library