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Mission Statement

Columbia College Library is committed to supporting the mission of Columbia College as a student-centered institution which embraces academic excellence and meets the learning needs of the college and greater community by providing relevant resources regardless of format.

Main Circulation Desk: (209) 588-5119
Librarian (Brian Greene): (209) 588-5179
All staff and departments

Students can make an appointment to meet with a librarian for assistance with research assignments. 

What's New
Program Review
New Title Lists

Library Policies
Computer Use Policy

Locate Us
Campus Map (The Library is #19)
Area Map


Exam Proctor Request Form Note: Columbia College exams only

Loan Periods and Fines
All library materials (books, magazines, movies and music) typically circulate for three weeks at a time and can be renewed twice. 
Complete list of materials and fines

Scheduling Classes
Faculty can request that the librarian meet with his/her class and present a subject-specific session on methods and sources for conducting research. Please contact Brian Greene or for more information on scheduling a session.