Columbia College Foundation Logo


Columbia College
Foundation Board



A Message from the Foundation President

At Columbia College, we believe a strong education is one of the best ways to prepare for an uncertain future.  Our mission is to empower our students to succeed - and to enhance the economic and human vitality of the Gold Country with high-quality educational offerings, workforce training, support services, and innovative partnerships.

The Columbia College Foundation has been a vital part of this effort for more than 50 years.  The Foundation and its supporters provide key links to the community, supporting scholarships, campus improvements, events, and partnering on innocations such as the Columbia College Promise and basic needs support for housing, transportation and emergency needs.

Together, we are here to help students meet the chanllenges of today and tomorrow.  Our constant effort is to deliver a student-centered education for excellence, exceptional occupational skills training, and support for our students as they prepare to enter the workforce.  Our faculty and staff offer students the tools, coaching, and inspiration to re-imagine their futures and clearly understand their career opportunities - and the Foundation supports us at every step.

Whether a student's goal is to earn a certificate in a dynamic, high-paying trade, receive an associate degree, or transfer to a university program, their time at Columbia will take them a step closer to transforming their life.

It's a vital mission for our community, and we are grateful for your enthusiasm and support for YOUR community college.  Thank you for helping our students craft their success stories every day. Go Claim Jumpers!

Charles Segerstrom
Columbia College Foundation Board President
July 2022 – Present

Board of Directors Meeting Dates for July 2024 - June 2025

Please Note: Call to order is at 12:00 PM

July 2024

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room

September 2024

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room

November 2024

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room

January 2025

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room

March 2025

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room

May 2025

Foundation Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Lunch served at 11:30AM, call to order at 12:00PM
Location: Columbia College - Manzanita Conference Room


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