CARE Program and Services
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)
The State of California established the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program in the California community colleges as "a unique educational program geared toward the welfare recipient who desires job-relevant education to break the dependency cycle."
In 2007, the CARE program celebrated its 30th year since its founding as an EOPS Special Project at Imperial Valley college and 25th anniversary as the first state-funded and system wide program of its kind in the nation. Nearly 10,000 students seeking a viable alternative to continued public assistance for personal and family support are provided educational support services every year through the CARE programs at all community college districts in California.
CARE Services
- Child care assistance
- Assistance with required textbooks and academic materials
- Academic incentive grants (grants d epend upon available funds)
- Gas vouchers
- General supply card
- Priority counseling services
- Student success workshops
- Priority registration
(Financial services depend upon available funds)
Qualifying for CARE
- An EOPS student who is 18 or older
- Enrolled in 12 units or more as a new CARE student
- A single parent or head of household
- A CalWORKs participant and/or receiving county cash aid (TANF) for self and/or children
Applying for CARE
The EOPS application is used to screen for possible CARE students. Upon becoming eligible for EOPS, potential CARE students are referred to the CARE Program Specialist to determine CARE eligibility.
For additional information about CARE, please call 209.588.5130.