FAQ Questions and Answers for Students

How do I send letters of accommodation (LOAs)?

Follow this link for step-by-step instructions to Send your Letters of Accommodation.

What services does DSPS provide?

DSPS provides academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction in accordance to Title V and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations, Services include the use of the following: 

  • Adaptive furniture
  • Alternate media
  • Academic assistance
  • Personal and academic counseling
  • Test facilitation
  • Mobility Assistance (TRAM)
  • Learning Disability Testing Review
  • High Tech Center
  • Equipment Checkout

What if I have a mobility challenge and need transportation to and from my classes?

DSPS provides transport for students who have verified mobility challenges. If you feel you qualify for TRAM services, please visit the DSPS office and make an appointment with the DSPS Coordinator. You will then be asked to complete a TRAM Request and submit a copy of your schedule. For more information, please visit the Mobility Assistance page on the DSPS website.

What if I have an evening class and I need test facilitation services?

DSPS provides test facilitation for evening courses on a case-by-case basis. If arrangements need to be made, consult with your instructor about an alternate time and day to take your exam. DSPS will confirm with your instructor the alternative time and schedule you for a test facilitation.

Do I have to take my test on the same day as everyone else?

To protect the integrity of the exam, DSPS prefers to proctor exams as close to the class exam time as possible. Students who have time conflicts are encouraged to discuss with their instructor an alternative time to take their exam. Please report directly to the DSPS office any changes to a scheduled exam.

Do I have to give my instructors Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) and Letters of Accommodation (LOA) every semester?

No, DSPS is a voluntary program, so students registered with DSPS are not required to give instructors their AAP's and LOAs. It is highly recommended to deliver both documents to notify your instructors of your participation in the program and of any accommodations you may need during the duration of the course. The intent of these documents are to serve as bridge between you and your instructor to improve academic success

How do I make an appointment to see a DSPS Counselor?

Students my either visit the DSPS front desk in Upper Manzanita or call the DSPS front desk at   209-588-5130.

Does DSPS rent out textbooks or provide financial assistance?

No, DSPS does not rent textbooks or provide financial assistance. Please ask for referrals to other services and resources on campus.

How do I get my books converted to digital or audio format?

Students who are accommodated for Alternate Media can make an appointment with the Alternate Media Access Specialist. Please bring proof of purchase or rental.

What can I do if an instructor denies me an accommodation? 

DSPS assists the student and the instructor in providing reasonable accommodation. While instructors have the obligation to hold students with disabilities to the same standard as others in the course, they cannot deny accommodations regulated by Title V and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). If you feel an instructor has denied you an accommodation, please make an appointment to see the DSPS Coordinator. 

Is my DSPS information confidential and private?

Yes, DSPS is required by law to keep your personal information private. In cases in which students would like DSPS staff to discuss disability or academic related information with instructors and/or parents/guardians, the student would need to sign a consent form.

How can I request my records to be transferred to another college/university?

Please visit the DSPS office to complete a Consent for Release Form and have the contact information (name, department, contact person, address, and fax number, etc.) of the designated academic institution available. Once completed, the DSPS Coordinator will send the information requested to the designated academic institution. 

Who can register for Adaptive HHP courses? What documentation do I need to enroll?

Any student with a verified mobility limitation can enroll in an Adaptive HHP course. Documentation from a licensed professional who can verify a disability that affects mobility is needed to enroll.

What is the difference between a service animal and an emotional support animal?

According to the YCCD policy, in compliance with state and federal laws, a student with disability is allowed to use an animal that is individually trained to do work or perform a task. An emotional support animal is NOT considered a service animal since it is not trained to perform a specific task. Instead, emotional support animals provide companionship and therapeutic support for an individual. Students with emotional support animals are encouraged to register with DSPS and meet with the Disability Coordinator.

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