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The DSPS staff has identified the following Student Learning Outcomes for the various services provided by DSPS:

  • SLO#1: Participants will demonstrate awareness of campus services and resources available to them (SPLO#1, ISLO#2,3).
  • SLO#2: Participants will demonstrate self-advocacy skills with college instructors (SPLO #2, ISLO #1,3).
  • SLO#3: Participants will demonstrate the independent use of appropriate assistive technology (ISLO #2).
  • SLO #4: Participants will identify functional limitations and educational barriers that are specific to the individual (SPLO #2, ISLO #3).
  • SAO#1: DSPS participants will have access to high quality tutoring services (SPAO #2).
  • SAO #2: DSPS participants will have course success rates equal to those of their peers who are not enrolled in DSPS (SPAO #1).