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The DSPS Offices, Hi-Tech Center (computer lab), and Testing Room are open Monday - Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm for both in-person and Virtual appointments. 

If you need to contact us for any reason please use the phone numbers or email address listed on the left side of this page. You may also contact us through the DSPS Staff page on the main menu. We typically available during normal business hours (listed on the left). Please do not hesitate to call, email, or stop by the office. If you call please leave a call back number.  Send us a Message

Disabled Student Programs & Services

Applying for DSPS Services

To apply for DSPS Services please click on the DSPS Application link below. You will be prompted to enroll in the free DSPS Canvas Course. This course is a resource for students needing DSPS services. Once in the course you can submit and application by clicking on the green "Start A New DSPS Application" at the top of the page.

Apply Now

 Mission Statement

DSPS provides accommodations to help students with verified disabilities meet the academic requirements of courses to ensure the students can compete academically on an equal basis with their non-disabled peers. The department provides accommodations through support services, special equipment, specially trained staff and access to the High Tech Center.

Student Responsibility

It is the student's responsibility to initiate requests for services at Disabled Student Programs and Services. Students are encouraged to consult community agencies for services outside the scope of Disability Support Services, including attendant care, mobility training, and rehabilitation services.

Academic Accommodations

Students have the right to request reasonable modifications to college requirements, services, facilities or programs if their documented disability imposes an educational limitation or impedes access to such requirements, services, facilities or programs. A student with a disability who requests a modification, accommodation, or adjustment is responsible for identifying himself/herself to the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) office and, if desired, to the instructor. Students who consult or request assistance from DSPS regarding specific modifications, accommodations, adjustments or use of auxiliary aids will be required to meet timelines and procedural requirements established by the DSPS office.

Dually Enrolled High School Students

Dually enrolled high school students with disabilities should contact their high school principal or special education/504 coordinator before completing the DSPS Application. Upon receiving the application, our office will coordinate with the high school staff in providing accommodations on behalf of the student. The DSPS office will set up an Intake appointment with the student, the parent/guardian, and a high school staff member to review accommodations for the student’s college classes.

View or Download this visual checklist for Dually Enrolled High School students seeking accommodations for a verified disability. 

Please email your questions for DSPS to ccdsps@yosemite.edu and visit the Dual Enrollment website for all Dual Enrollment information. 




Please scan the above QR code and add the DSPS App to your home screen. 


You can request test facilitation, TRAM rides, and audiobooks with the convenience of your smartphone!





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