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Dream Resource Center Banner

Dreaming TOGETHER, Working TOGETHER,


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About Us

Our Mission

The mission of the Dream Resource Center at Columbia College is to support immigrant and undocumented students by increasing awareness of resources on and off campus and promoting campus engagement to assist students in reaching their goals. We provide a safe and confidential space for students.


Services Offered 

Assistance in academic and career counseling

Legal Immigration Assistance and Referrals 

Community Resources

Financial Assistance pending availability

Workshops/ Field Trips

Assistance with AB540/SB68


How to Get Involved


If you are a student or thinking about becoming a student at Columbia College who would like support and guidance and who identifies as an undocumented student, DACA, or Dream Act Recipient please join us! 




We are dreamers divider


Dreamers Welcome

The Dream Resource Center is housed under the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services Program (EOPS) and supports all undocumented and California Dream Act eligible students by increasing awareness of resources on and off campus and promoting campus engagement to assist students in reaching their goals.

We provide a safe and confidential space for students who are Dream Act, DACA, and/or undocumented. Services offered include assistance in academic counseling, legal immigration assistance, community resources, assistance in financial aid applications and scholarships, and support.


Financial Support Divider

California Dream Act: How to Apply *** Broken component ***
California Dream Act: Application California Dream Act Application
California Nonresident Tuition Exemption: AB540 California Student Aid Commission
Jobs and Training California Immigrant Guide
2021 Scholarship and Fellowship Lists Immigrants Rising