A Career Pathway is a series of connected education and training programs and student support services that enable individuals to secure a job or advance in a demand industry or occupation. Career Pathways focus on easing and facilitating student transition from high school to community college; from pre-college courses to credit postsecondary programs; and from community college to university or employment.
Sonora High School
Courtney Castle, Counselor 209.532.5511 Ext 5119 ccastle@sonorahs.k12.ca.us
Summerville High School
Kellene Ditler, Principal 209.928.4228 kditler@summbears.net
Bret Harte High School
Jacob Holt, Principal 209.736.2507 jholt@bhuhsd.k12.ca.us
Calaveras High School
Alissa Clifton, Counselor 209.754.1811 aclifton@calaveras.k12.ca.us
Amador High School
Updated information coming soon
Oakdale High School
Shannon Kettering, Vice Principal 209.847.3007 skettering@ojusd.org
Waterford High School
Lina Kaji, Counselor 209.874.9060 rkaji@waterford.k12.ca.us
Connecting Waters
Marla Martin, Coordinator mmartin@cwcharter.org
Riverbank High School
Elsie Lazar (counselor) 209.869.2383 ext 144 elazar@riverbank.k12.ca.us