Columbia College Outreach Columbia College Outreach

The Columbia College Outreach Team provides information about Columbia College to high school students and faculty, parents and the community. We are proud to share Columbia’s Mission Statement of providing a supportive and engaging learning environment while helping students master skills, explore passions, attain degrees and certificates and pursue careers and transfer pathways.

We are dedicated to assisting all prospective students in accessing the many resources Columbia College has to offer by providing information and referrals that can help make the transition to college as seamless as possible.

Some of the ways we can help:

  • Informational Presentations: Our team is happy to visit regional high schools and present information about Columbia’s many majors and programs of study, degree and certificate options, special programs and general college information.
  • Application Workshops: Our team is happy to visit our regional high schools and assist with the college application process and the Columbia Promise application (if applicable). We can also assist students in setting up their FAFSA accounts and IDs so they are ready to apply at a later date.
  • Campus Tours: Columbia College offers guided campus tours given by a current Student Ambassador for prospective students and their families, school groups and community members. Guided campus tours are available Monday through Thursday by appointment only.
  • College & Career Fairs: We love the opportunity to participate in college fairs, career days, and other high school events.
  • On Campus Events:
    • Go Columbia Days-New Student Orientations: Columbia College's orientation programs provide new students with a first look at the online tools, in-person assistance, and ongoing resources available to support our newest Columbia College "Claim Jumpers." Not only will an in-person orientation experience set students up for success, it also helps students obtain the earliest possible course registration date and time. We offer exclusive orientation dates in May for our regional high schools and multiple dates in August for any new student to attend.
    • Claim Jumper Day-Our annual preview day happens on the 3rd Thursday in September and offers regional high schools a chance to see everything Columbia College has to offer. This fun-filled event includes campus tours, special demos and presentations all over campus, info-fair, lunch, giveaways and much more!
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