The CalWORKS staff have identified the following Student Learning Outcomes for the various services provided by the CalWORKS Program.
CalWORKS Student Learning Outcomes
Spring 2017 |
Fall 2017 |
Spring 2018 |
Fall 2018 |
Spring 2019 |
Fall 2019 |
Spring 2020 |
Fall 2020 |
SLO 1: Participants will demonstrate ability to develop an appropriate educational plan. (SPLO #3 ISLO #2&3) |
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SLO 2: Participants will demonstrate knowledge of campus support services including deadlines for application to the various resources such as, but not limited to, EOPS/CARE, Financial Aid, and DSPS. (PSLO #1, ISLO#2,3) |
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SLO 3: Participants will demonstrate self-advocacy skills. (SPLO #2, ISLO #1 ) |
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