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The Yosemite Community College District (YCCD), in accordance with  YCCD Board Policy 4235 , will grant credit for prior learning (CPL) experiences for students who satisfactorily pass an authorized assessment. Authorized assessments may include the evaluation of approved external standardized examinations, Joint Services Transcripts, student-created portfolios, industry-recognized credential documentation, and credit by examination.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) option

YCCD allows a student to demonstrate competence in and earn credit for a YCCD course or curricular requirement with evidence of:  

  • A satisfactory score* on an Advanced Placement (AP) examination. YCCD Board Policy 4236: Advanced Placement (AP) Credit governs the awarding of AP credit.
  • A satisfactory score* on a district-approved high-level International Baccalaureate (IB) examination. Students will receive credit when: 
    • Official IB transcripts are on file at the college.
    • The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the IB examination as recommended by the District’s IB equivalency guide.
  • A satisfactory score* on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Students requesting Credit for Prior Learning using the College Level Examination Program shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a District-approved College Level Examination Program under the following circumstances:
    • Official CLEP transcripts are on file  at the college.
    • The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the CLEP examination as recommended by the District’s CLEP Equivalency Guide.
  • A satisfactory evaluation of Joint Service Transcripts (JST). 
  • A satisfactory completion of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the District. 
  • Approval of industry-recognized credential documentation in accordance with standards set by the department. 
  • Approval of a student-created portfolio in accordance with a rubric for the course or courses  developed by the department. 
  • Satisfactory completion of an institutional examination, known as Credit by Examination, administered by the college in lieu of completion of an active course listed in the current college catalog. 

* Satisfactory minimum scores for standardized, external examinations, including AP, IB, and CLEP, should conform to the thresholds established by the current California State University Systemwide Credit for External Examinations guidelines. Determining how to apply credit from such exams towards local degree requirements occurs at the college-level. 

Course Credit for Prior Learning Procedure

Students can locate the CPL Petition (Course Credit for Prior Learning) in etrieve forms, and begin the process by uploading their documentation, providing a description of what they completed, and identifying why the course is equivalent. That information is then routed for consideration by Columbia College discipline faculty as follows:

  1. Student initiates Course Credit for Prior Learning Petition in etrieve.
  2. Columbia College Admissions and Records determines student is eligible and within the limitations on CPL in making their request.
  3. A Counselor reviews the request to evaluate and determine transferability, grading policies, and appropriate method of CPL selected by student and applicability to their education plan; Counselor meets with student as needed.
  4. Division Dean forwards CPL request to discipline faculty and follow up as needed.
  5. Discipline faculty's decision is routed back to Admissions and Records to be recorded on the student transcript if awarded.
  6. Admissions and Records notifies the student via email, and ends the process. If unable to be awarded, the process also ends with Admissions and Records notifying the student.
Click the button below for the Course Credit for Prior Learning Petition.

Additional CPL Information