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Program Review and Outcomes Assessment 

Outcomes Assessment and Program Review are facilitated by the Student Learning Outcomes and Program Review (SLOPR) Committee with oversight from the Institutional Effectiveness Council. The Program Review Organization Chart (link) outlines who is responsible for the oversight of program review completion and the type of program review each area is to complete. The three types of program review – instruction, service area, and administrative unit – each have a dedicated webpage with more information about learning outcomes, assessment of outcomes, and program review completion.

  • Instruction Program Review
  • Service Area Program Review 
  • Admin Unit Program Review 

The college also utilizes The Synchronized Program Review and SLO Assessment Chart to identify the specific instruction and service areas to complete the annual program review process and the timeline for comprehensive reviews. Administrative units also complete annual program review; however, comprehensive reviews are aligned with the Strategic Plan (link).

Assessment Cycle Example

Instructional Program Review Archive