Purpose: Planning, Oversight, and Review Cycles for: Enrollment Management, Program Review,
Professional Development
(Flex Advisory Committee). The Columbia College Institutional Effectiveness Council
(IEC) shall oversee and regularly review matters of institutional effectiveness, including
enrollment management, institutional research, program review, student learning outcomes,
professional development, college-specific policies, governance structures, and other
similar matters. The IEC will make recommendations to College Council designed to
promote institutional effectiveness, streamline operations, and maximize student learning.
Special Guidelines, Parameters, and/or Resources: The Institutional Effectiveness Council meetings shall be open. The business of the
Columbia College Institutional Effectiveness Council shall be conducted through consensus
building in accordance with the Principles of Collegial Governance. Action items will
require formal vote. A simple majority will cause an action item to pass. Approved
items are generally forwarded to the College Council for consideration and further
Meeting Schedule: The Columbia College Institutional Effectiveness Council shall conduct regularly
scheduled meetings and retreats, as necessary. Standing agenda items will include
each of the key areas of focus for the council, while depth of discussion on each
item will vary according to need.
How Work Is Communicated: Council representatives communicate with their constituencies, obtain their input
and feedback, and return that information to the Council to ensure informed discussions.
Recommendations are forwarded to College Council and representatives report on them
to their constituencies. Recommendations with wide implications are communicated widely
through campus-wide emails.
Recommendations Go To: College Council
Agendas and Minutes: Posted on the Institutional Effectiveness Council BoardDocs.
Vice President of Instruction (Co-Chair) Instructional Dean
Director of Research and Planning
Leadership Team Member Faculty Representation (4) *
*ideally, Arts, Sciences and Human Performance (1), Career and Technical Education
(1), Student Services (1), At Large (1), one of whom will be appointed by the Academic
Senate as Faculty Co-Chair)
Classified Representation - Classified Senate (2), CSEA (2) Student Representation
The terms of leadership team members shall be determined by the Columbia College President
in consultation with the Leadership Team. The terms of the faculty members shall be
determined by the Academic Senate. The terms of the classified members shall be determined
by the Classified Senate and CSEA. The terms of the student members shall be determined
by the Student Senate.
IEC Representation |
Vacant | Vice President of Instruction | Chair |
Adrienne Seegers | Instructor - Child Development | Co-Chair |
Melissa Anisko | Instructional Support Specialist - Math | Tri-Chair |
Matt Connot | Senior Research Analyst | Classified |
Vacant | Classified | |
Sandra Smith | Accounting Specialist - Businiess Office | CSEA |
Elissa Creighton | Curriculum Process Specialist | CSEA |
Jim Retemeyer | Instructor - Math | Faculty |
Kirsten Miller | Counselor | Faculty |
Lindsay Laney | Academic Achievement Center Coordinator | Faculty |
Brandon Price | Dean of CTE | LTAC |
Mike Igoe | Dean of SS | LTAC |
Amy Nilson | Director of Community Outreach & Development | LTAC |
Vacant | LTAC | |
Alex Jukes | ASCC Representative | Student |
Vacant | Student | |
Kelsie Gillen | Executive Secretary/Instruction Office | Recorder-Minutes |