Appendix A - ACCJC Substantive Change 2011
Appendix B - ACCJC letter dated November 17, 2014
Appendix C - Methodology to Determine Percent DE
Appendix D - DE Percentages for GE Patterns
Appendix E- DE Percentages for Programs in the Current Proposal- Summary
Appendix F - DE Percentages for Programs in the Current Proposal- Detail
Appendix G - Fall 2016 Distance Education Enrollments Report
Appendix H - Approval Dates for All Programs
Appendix I - List of Trained DE Instructors
Appendix J - DE Student Success and Retention - Columbia vs Statewide
Appendix K - DE Student Success and Retention - Course-by-course at CC
Appendix L - Sample Online Course Syllabi
Appendix M - CCCCO Inventory of Current Programs
Appendix N - DE-Approved Courses as of Spring 2017