How do I make an appointment?

Students can call us at (209) 588-5088, email ccaac@yosemite.edu (please include course information, your availability, and if there is a particular tutor you would like to work with in your message), or stop in to make an appointment anytime during our regular hours. 

What is the no show policy?

If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason it is your responsibility to call, email, or stop by at least 2 hours before your appointment.  This allows us to offer that time to another student.  If you do not cancel, or if you are more than ten minutes late to a scheduled appointment it will count as a no show.  Two no-shows in one semester will make you ineligible to schedule future appointments unless you first meet with the Faculty Coordinator.

Do I have to pay?

No, Tutoring services are FREE for our students.

What is TUTOR 410 and why do I have to register?

All students seeking tutoring will be enrolled in this non credit course for tracking purposes. Students will be enrolled in the course upon making a tutoring appointment.  There are no fees or homework associated with this course. It is required to keep track of usage, so we can be properly funded.

How many appointments can I have?

We do not have strict limits on appointments. However, limits on appointment length or frequency may be necessary on a case-by-case basis due to limited tutor availability. This allows us to assist the greatest number of students possible while respecting the needs of our wonderful tutors. 

How do group appointments work?

Group appointments are scheduled with more that two students for a single subject. You can have a group appointment with 2- 8 students. So ask some classmates to come along! Group tutoring appointments are one hour long. They only count as one appointment. 

Can I schedule for the rest of the semester?

Appointments can only be scheduled up to two weeks in advance.

How can I prepare for my appointment?

 It is helpful to have the following items during your appointment.

  • Notes from Class
  • Class assignment
  • Syllabus
  • Text - some text books are available in the AAC for studying or use during tutoring appointments. Check ahead for availability
  • Questions that you would like answered

Remember tutors are students just like you, and though they have been successful in the courses they are tutoring in, they are not experts.

How do I prepare for my stamp appointment?

If you have a stamp assignment, you are required to make an appointment at the AAC to have a tutor go over it with you. It is helpful to have the following items during your appointment.

  • 2 Copies of the paper
  • The assignment guidelines
  • Questions you may have developed during your writing
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